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Committed to Electric Power Business-Creating a Green Future



How many installation methods are there for outdoor transformers? What are the general requirements for installation?

Answer: The installation form of outdoor transformer installation: The outdoor transformer installed in the open air is also called outdoor transformer, which can be divided into installation on the platform (ground) and installation on the column (pole).




Selection of distribution transformers, installation methods and precautions of distribution transformers

The selection of distribution transformer includes the selection of distribution transformer capacity, model and transformer installation location.




Inspection contents of power distribution room and precautions for power distribution room maintenance

High and low voltage distribution room power engineering equipment inspection can not be ignored, it is the key way to maintain the safety operation of electrical equipment. The maintenance of high and low voltage distribution room equipment is strict and wide. Only the terminal station has no starting point in the electric power safety production work! The inspection of power engineering equipment in high and low voltage distribution room can not be ignored, which is the key way to maintain the safe operation of electrical equipment.




Reliability Analysis of Relay Protection Automation Device

The relay protection automation device provides support for the safe and stable operation of the power system. If the relay protection automation device has the phenomenon of poor product quality, misjudgment of protection function or improper handling of personnel operation, poor maintenance effect, etc., the reliability and protection ability will not reach the expected effect, and even the phenomenon of protection without protection will also have a huge impact on the safe operation of the entire power system.




National Bureau of Statistics: solar power generation increased by 12.1 in July 2021, with an average growth of 5.5 in two years

On August 16, the National Bureau of Statistics released the energy production in July 2021. In July, the year-on-year decline in industrial raw coal production above designated size narrowed, crude oil production was basically stable, the growth rate of natural gas production slowed down, and the growth rate of power production accelerated.




Energy Bureau: further do a good job in the construction safety of power construction projects

Energy bureaus of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government), relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and the Development and Reform Commission of the Xinjiang Construction Corps, the Economic and Information Commission (Industry and Information Commission), the Beijing Municipal Urban Management Committee, all dispatched agencies, and all enterprises of the National Electric Power Safety Committee Member unit:


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